Hello everyone,
I understand that the pin of the terminal board is not compatible with the AssetTRacker v2, but I do not think that this limits me to directly connect the terminal board to the pins that the GPS requires to operate these are TX, RX, GND, 3V3, D6.
I have a problem with this connection, the terminal cannot advance when the line of t.gpsOn () passes; and it starts to restart, but when I take out the D6 pin cable the program continues and the GPS obviously does not work, as long as I connect the D6 pin the button restarts and falls back into the same part of the code.
What is really the problem with the Boron?
I have an Electron that has no problem with this same configuration (without plugging the electron into the GPS terminals, if not by cables (TX, RX, GND, 3V3, D6).
I start to try with cables because i have the same issue with the classic adapter. I bought this because in the page said it’s to be compatible with legacy accesories. After this, I read on this great community that the accelerometer will not work, just the GPS, and even this is not working. BTW, I’m ussing this library: AssettrackerRK and the examples on this.
Version firmware 1.4.2, 1.3.1, 1.2.1-rc.1 BORON
version in AssettrackerRK 0.2.3, 0.1.9, 0.1.7
#include <Particle.h>;
FuelGauge fuel;
int LED = D7;
AssetTracker t;
unsigned long startFix = 0;
bool gettingFix = false;
char payload[260];
const int IDE = 2;
float lat = -34.148716;
float lon = -70.778968;
long Counter = 0;
float mem = 0.00;
float bat = 0.00;
float vol = 0.00;
float rssi = 0.00;
char hora[8];
void setup()
void loop()
CellularSignal sig = Cellular.RSSI();
mem = System.freeMemory();
bat = fuel.getSoC();
vol = fuel.getVCell();
rssi = sig.rssi;
if (t.gpsFix())
lat = t.readLatDeg();
lon = t.readLonDeg();
sprintf(payload, "{\"Id\":%i,\"T\":%02d/%02d/19T%02d:%02d:%02d,\"B\":%0.2f,\"V\":%0.2f,\"R\":%0.2f,\"M\":%0.2f,\"LT\":%0.7f,\"LD\":%0.7f,\"E\":%i,\"C\":%i}", IDE, Time.day(), Time.month(), Time.hour(), Time.minute(), Time.second(), bat, vol, rssi, mem, lat, lon, 1, Counter);