I have a Boron LTE device. It has been working without an issue for several months. I upgraded OTA to v1.4.4 without any issues. Sometime later I updated the firmware OTA and the device got stuck in such a way that it would no longer connect to the cellular network or cloud. I am not sure which.
I tried 'particle update' - no errors, but it did not correct my problem.
I tried 'particle flash --usb tinker' - no errors, but it did not correct my problem.
I tried 'particle serial inspect' and everything came back good.
I then tried to use DFU mode and reload the firmware and got a strange response:
particle flash --usb boron-bootloader@1.4.4.bin
Error writing firmware: unknown module function 2, use --force to override
So I decided to reflash the entire thing using openocd. I ran the following commands, and all were successful:
bin\openocd.exe -f share\openocd\scripts\interface\cmsis-dap.cfg -f share\openocd\scripts\target\nrf52-particle.cfg -c "adapter_khz 1000 ; transport select swd ; init ; bld_addr 0x000F4000 ; exit"
bin\openocd.exe -f share\openocd\scripts\interface\cmsis-dap.cfg -f share\openocd\scripts\target\nrf52-particle.cfg -c "adapter_khz 1000 ; transport select swd ; init ; program s140_nrf52_6.0.0_softdevice.hex verify reset ; exit"
bin\openocd.exe -f share\openocd\scripts\interface\cmsis-dap.cfg -f share\openocd\scripts\target\nrf52-particle.cfg -c "adapter_khz 1000 ; transport select swd ; init ; program boron-bootloader@1.4.4.bin 0xf4000 verify reset ; exit"
bin\openocd.exe -f share\openocd\scripts\interface\cmsis-dap.cfg -f share\openocd\scripts\target\nrf52-particle.cfg -c "adapter_khz 1000 ; transport select swd ; init ; program boron-system-part1@1.4.4.bin 0x30000 verify reset ; exit"
The Boron now always boots into listening mode, which is usually not a problem. But calling 'particle serial identify' does not work:
particle serial identify
Serial timed out
Calling 'particle serial list' does work
particle serial list
Found 1 device connected via serial:
COM15 - Boron
Calling things like 'particle serial flash boron-bootloader@1.4.4.bin' appear to work as lights flash and the unit restarts.
particle serial flash boron-bootloader@1.4.4.bin
! PROTIP: Hold the SETUP button on your device until it blinks blue!
? Press ENTER when your device is blinking BLUE
sending file: boron-bootloader@1.4.4.bin
Flash success!
Connecting directly to the serial port and typing 'v' returns:
system firmware version: 1.4.4
I am running CLI version 2.0.1
I have also tried using the Android App and adding the Boron as if it is a new device. Scanning the sticker works great. It pairs just fine. When I select "No, Don't use in a mesh network" it tries for about 60 seconds and then fails.
Sending Bluetooth messages failed. Please try again.
Interestingly thought, when I use the iOS app and go through the same processed, I get the following message after the pairing:
There was an error in accessing the modem on the device. The modem is now being rebooted in an attempt to recover. Wait a few seconds and then try again. If the error persists, try resetting the device manually by tapping the RESET button, and restart the setup process.
Any thoughts?