When I use the Device Restore USB utility to update firmware on my Argons, the utility does not upgrade the Bootloader. Is this a known bug? I have a client who needs to update firmware on many Argons, and they are going to blinking dark blue because the bootloader was not updated during the upgrading process.
I tested this with a couple of Argons by updating the default Tinker user firmware from Device OS 4.1.0 to 5.9.0. Here is how I tested:
Start with Argon on Device OS 4.1.0 with default Tinker program AND no WiFi Credentials saved. Inspect dependencies (all good):
Use Device Restore USB to upload the default Tinker program on Device OS 5.9.0
After complete, inspect dependencies again.
Shows the bootloader did not update to version 2300 or greater, which is required for this to run.
When I update using CLI commands, the bootloader updates fine:
particle update --target 5.9.0
particle flash --local tinker