The code was successfully uploaded initially
// Include Particle Device OS APIs
#include "Particle.h"
#include "ModbusMaster-Particle.h"
#include "JsonParserGeneratorRK.h"
// Test code
// Show system, cloud connectivity, and application logs over USB
SerialLogHandler logHandler(9600, LOG_LEVEL_WARN, {
{"system", LOG_LEVEL_INFO}
ModbusMaster slave1;
void preTransmission() {
digitalWrite(D3, 1);
digitalWrite(D2, 1);
void postTransmission() {
digitalWrite(D3, 0);
digitalWrite(D2, 0);
void idle() {
delay(100); // in case slave only replies after 10ms
Particle.process(); // avoids letting the connection close if open
void setup() {
pinMode(D3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(D2, OUTPUT);
slave1.begin(7, Serial1); // Use slave ID 7
slave1.setSpeed(9600, SERIAL_8N1);
slave1.enableDebug(); // Enable debug logs
float conv(int i) {
uint32_t rawValue = (slave1.getResponseBuffer(i) << 16) | slave1.getResponseBuffer(i + 1);
float floatValue = *(float*)&rawValue; // Convert raw value to IEEE 754 float
return floatValue;
float readFloatsFromSlave(uint16_t startAddress) {
uint8_t result = slave1.readInputRegisters(startAddress, 2);
if (!result) {
return conv(startAddress);
} else {
Log.warn("Modbus read error at address %d: %d", startAddress, result);
return -1; // Return a default error value if read fails
void loop() {
struct Parameter {
const char* CorrelationId;
const char* DisplayName;
const char* Address;
float Value;
// Define parameters with addresses and correlation IDs
Parameter parameters[] = {
{"Plants_RVoltage", "L-F1-RV", "30001", readFloatsFromSlave(0)},
{"PlantLifetimeEnergy", "L-F1-E", "30073", readFloatsFromSlave(74)},
{"Plants_Frequency", "L-F1-F", "30071", readFloatsFromSlave(70)},
{"Plants_RPower", "L-F1-RP", "30013", readFloatsFromSlave(12)} // Add more parameters as needed
// Parameter parameters[] = {
// {"DG_Run_Hour", "SG-BIO-RH", "30227", 154.28},
// {"Plants_DG_Power", "SG-BIO-P", "30053", 0},
// {"Load_MinCurrent", "L-F1-MIA", "30143", 0},
// {"Plants_DG_Voltage", "SG-BIO-ACV", "30043", 0},
// {"MPPTS1_Run_Hour_Ch1", "MP1-RH-CH1", "30057", 0},
// {"Plants_DG_LifeTimeEnergy", "SG-BIO-E", "30073", 2983.95},
// {"MPPTS1_Current_Ch2", "MP1-DCA-CH2", "30005", 0},
// {"Plants_Inverter_MPPTS1DCPower", "PG-DD-1P", "30019", 0},
// {"Plants_BPowerFactor", "L-F1-BPF", "30035", 0.95},
// {"Plants_RVoltage", "L-F1-RV", "30001", 240.45},
// {"MPPTS1_Current_Ch3", "MP1-DCA-CH3", "30007", 0},
// {"MPPTS1_Run_Hour_Ch3", "MP1-RH-CH3", "30061", 0},
// {"MPPTS1_Energy_Exp_Ch1", "MP1-EE-CH1", "30031", 0},
// {"MPPTS1_Power_Ch3", "MP1-DCP-CH3", "30015", 0},
// {"Plants_Inverter_MPPTS1DCVoltage", "PG-DD-1DCV", "30001", 0},
// {"Plants_BPower", "L-F1-BP", "30017", 0.44},
// {"Plants_DG_RVoltage", "SG-BIO-RV", "30001", 0},
// {"Plants_UPS_BattDisEnergy", "ES-PB-DE", "30039", 23234},
// {"MPPTS1_Current_Ch4", "MP1-DCA-CH4", "30009", 0},
// {"Plants_UPS_BattCurrent", "ES-PB-DCA", "30003", 8.25},
// {"Plants_DG_BVoltage", "SG-BIO-BV", "30005", 0},
// {"MPPTS1_Run_Hour_Ch2", "MP1-RH-CH2", "30059", 79009},
// {"Battery power", "PG-S-SR", "30011", 2.08},
// {"Plants_DG_OutputPowerFactor", "SG-BIO-PF", "30063", 1},
// {"DG_On_Hour", "SG-BIO-ONH", "30229", 15139.38},
// {"Load_MaxVoltage", "L-F1-MAV", "30133", 271.84},
// {"Load_MinVoltage", "L-F1-MIV", "30135", 0},
// {"Batt_No_of_Interuptions", "ES-PB-INT", "30213", 289},
// {"Batt_Run_Hour", "ES-PB-RH", "30205", 14844.16},
// {"Batt_On_Hour", "ES-PB-ONH", "30203", 15189.18},
// {"DG_No_of_Interuptions", "SG-BIO-INT", "30231", 281},
// {"MPPTS1_Current_Ch1", "MP1-DCA-CH1", "30003", 0},
// {"PlantLifetimeEnergy", "L-F1-E", "30073", 25155.52},
// {"Load_On_Hour", "L-F1-RH", "30229", 15130.1},
// {"Plants_YVoltage", "L-F1-YV", "30003", 240.63},
// {"Load_Run_Hour", "L-F1-ONH", "30227", 14161.07},
// {"Load_MaxCurrent", "L-F1-MAA", "30141", 128.99},
// {"Load_No_of_Interrupts", "L-F1-INT", "30231", 282},
// {"MPPTS1_Energy_Exp_Ch2", "MP1-EE-CH2", "30033", 0},
// {"Plants_RPowerFactor", "L-F1-RPF", "30031", 1},
// {"MPPTS1_Energy_Imp_Ch2", "MP1-IE-CH2", "30025", 0},
// {"MPPTS1_Power_Ch2", "MP1-DCP-CH2", "30013", 0},
// {"MPPTS1_Run_Hour_Ch1", "MP1-RH-CH1", "30057", 0},
// {"Plants_YPower", "L-F1-YP", "30015", 0.51},
// {"Plants_Frequency", "L-F1-F", "30071", 49.98},
// {"MPPTS1_Power_Ch4", "MP1-DCP-CH4", "30017", 0},
// {"MPPTS1_Energy_Imp_Ch1", "MP1-IE-CH1", "30023", 40639},
// {"Plants_Inverter_MPPTS1Energy", "PG-DD-1E", "30039", 40639},
// {"Plants_DG_OutputFrequency", "SG-BIO-F", "30071", 0},
// {"MPPTS1_Power_Ch1", "MP1-DCP-CH1", "30011", 0},
// {"Plants_DG_YVoltage", "SG-BIO-YV", "30003", 0},
// {"MPPTS1_Run_Hour_Ch4", "MP1-RH-CH4", "30063", 0},
// {"Plants_UPS_BattVoltage", "ES-PB-DCV", "30001", 251.94},
// {"PlantLifetimeExportEnergy", "L-F1-EE", "30075", 0.02},
// {"Plants_UPS_BattChaEnergy", "ES-PB-CE", "30041", 21966},
// {"Plants_RPower", "L-F1-RP", "30013", 0}
// };
// Create JSON object
JsonWriterStatic<4096> jsonWriter;
jsonWriter.insertKeyValue("PublishTimestamp", Time.format(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"));
// Insert Content key and start array
jsonWriter.insertKeyValue("HwId", "Statcon-RTU");
// Insert Data key and start array
for (auto& param : parameters) {
// jsonWriter.startObject();
// jsonWriter.insertKeyValue("HwId", "Statcon-RTU");
// // Insert Data key and start array
// jsonWriter.insertKeyArray("Data");
jsonWriter.insertKeyValue("CorrelationId", param.CorrelationId);
jsonWriter.insertKeyValue("SourceTimestamp", Time.format(, "%Y-%m-%D %H:%M:%S"));
// Insert Values key and start array
jsonWriter.insertKeyValue("DisplayName", param.DisplayName);
jsonWriter.insertKeyValue("Address", param.Address);
jsonWriter.insertKeyValue("Value", String::format("%.2f", param.Value));
jsonWriter.finishObjectOrArray(); // Close Values object
jsonWriter.finishObjectOrArray(); // Close Values array
jsonWriter.finishObjectOrArray(); // Close Data object
jsonWriter.finishObjectOrArray(); // Close individual parameter object
jsonWriter.finishObjectOrArray(); // Close Content array
jsonWriter.finishObjectOrArray(); // Close main object
jsonWriter.finishObjectOrArray(); // Close main object
// Retrieve the JSON data
String jsonData = String(jsonWriter.getBuffer());
// Publish JSON data to the Particle Cloud
Particle.publish("ModbusData", jsonData, PRIVATE);
// Delay for the next reading
delay(30000); // Adjust delay as needed
but after making small changes to the values in the code, it is no longer uploading. The device is showing the following error
and device is also following error
. Your assistance is needed to resolve this issue quickly.