Argon - not sure how to set up as a repeater?

I pre-ordered a bunch of argons and got them today. I’m just setting them up now and trying to test what the distance limitations of the mesh is. I’ve got the first argon setup as a gateway. However, how do I setup my second argon as a repeater/end point? I understand a Xenon would fit this purpose but we are just testing the water right now in case we want testing with multiple gateways. Surely Xenons aren’t the only devices that can be a repeater?

Currently only Xenons can be repeaters.

The Argons can not join another mesh network, they can only be the gateway unfortunately.

When they release the ability to have multiple gateways on the same Mesh Network it will be $10 a month for that feature.

You need to get some Xenons to test out the Mesh features. You will need to wait for the next firmware release before they really become functional since some bugs are being worked out now.

Oh really? So Argons will never have the ability to be a repeater or eventually it’ll come…

Man… now I have a bunch of Argons but can’t do anything with them.

Yes, in the future they will be able to join other mesh networks and act as a gateway and reporter.

There may be some people willing to trade some Argons for Xenons.

Damn, would love an ETA on that.

Trading sounds good, but we’re based in Australia so not sure how well that’ll work out. Darn it.

There are some guys from Australia on here.

This is so cool! Ordered Argon and Boron to create a mesh, but i cannot do it. I am very happy now…