please see the attached pictures, my Argon was working perfect till i tried to send another code using usb serial , i noticed it send the file using particle flash --serial …bin
“fake” but in the cmd doesn’t say successful so i found its still with the old code, so i decided to do particle doctor but again it does update the firm ware but then i cant proceed further as you can see from the attachment. could you help please?
it still hanging now with red-blue-white colour.
I'd rather use --usb in DFU Mode as --serial doesn't seem to ever report failure to work. Even with a binary that is not compatible with the device or even a useless text file.
For a proper log of the process add the -v (verbose) switch
particle flash --usb <yourFirmware.bin> -v
BTW, you can use particle binary inspect <yourFirmware.bin> to check whether your binary is actually meant for Argon.
Also Device Doctor is not for such cases
Do you mean magenta?
If so, your device is in Safe Mode and requires a Device OS upgrade.
I suggest you run these commands (in DFU Mode)
particle flash --usb tinker -v
particle update -v
Then rebuild your firmware for Argon with 2.2.0 as the Device OS target and flash OTA or via USB.
Thank you, yes it was magenta and now fixed it by using you suggestion by using particle flash --usb tinker -v and i did update it as well, however i still struggling to send the code by using usb,
i tried
particle flash --usb sms1.bin -v
Error writing firmware: Incorrect platform id (expected 12, parsed 13), use --force to override
VError: Error writing firmware: Incorrect platform id (expected 12, parsed 13), use --force to override
That is exactly what I expected, you have not built that binary for Argon (platform ID 12) but for Boron (platform ID 13) and that cannot work.
Hence, DO NOT use --force to force an incompatible firmware into a device that cannot deal with it!
Good job the access token issue prevented you from doing that.
yes i used --usb in DFU Mode and cannot flash the firmware and i used particle binary check and says : CRC is ok (dca3180e)
Compiled for boron
This is an application module number 1 at version 6
It depends on a system module number 1 at version 2008