You will need to give us more info and how you plan to use the finished combination?
The datalogger is nonparticle product and you may need to seek support in Adafruit learning system. It is unlikely that using a argon and 32u4 plugged into a doubler will work as the pin outs may clash. You need to define how one will work with the other and then connect them accordingly
To expand on @shanevanj’s assertion regarding Argon vs. 32u4 Adalogger: Both boards are meant to be “masters” on the system as both do feature their own micro controler.
Usually you’d only have one controler in a doubler/trippler and some “client” FeatherWings - but here you’d have two would-be masters which you’d need to program separately to make them cooperate (if at all possible in case of pin incompatibilities).
I use many of the DS3231 Precision RTC Adafruit boards - there should be no issues there although I remember there was a fault in the library I had to correct. If you do hit an issue then please make a specific post on that and I will share.
An alternative to the 32u4 Adalogger would be to use the Adalogger (this combines a micro SD and a PCF8523 RTC) and is a slave I2C device for the RTC and SPI for the micro SD. You then might have a conflict with the Color TFT with joystick because of the SPI chip select pin usage.