I’ve started on writing the Hardware Abstraction Layer for the ESP32, specifically the ESP-WROOM-32 because I just made a circuit using it and need to work on porting it to Particle before 60 copies of it arrive in the mail. I’ve never written a HAL before.
From the looks of it, a lot of people would love the two merged together, which is why I ask if anyone wants to help. Particle claims it is not up to their security standards. So it has to be done unofficially.
Here’s what I got so far and I’ll try to update that as I make progress.
Following their guide I’ve currently gotten into the part where I gotta learn to write a linker script. It’d be cool if anyone knew linker script stuff already.
I believe I have gotten the memory addresses correctly put in the script, referencing the ESP32 Manual for data btw. That’s all I got for now.