Anyone else working with the AzureIotHubClient Library?

My company is pretty deep in with Microsoft, and therefore from the get go while we have been able to justify using the Particle architecture (Particle.publish, Rules Engine, etc.) for Development work. Once we are looking at deploying something internally, however, we face an uphill battle with IT doing anything other than direct to IoT Hub MQTT publishes. I have been using the AzureIotHubClientV2 (after switching primarily to Gen3 hardware after the convenience of using Feather accessories came to fruition) for quite some time now and have worked around several interesting limitations (mainly around some unforeseen limitation to the length of embedded JSON Objects). Is anyone else using the library for direct MQTT publishes into Azure IoT Hub? It would be great to have some discussions around the library, discuss some of the limitations, and see how much easier this process can be.

hi @Glover89 ,

are you still using this library? I’ve been testing the V2 library, and it can’t even compile. I’m testing it on a Boron, fw 3.2, but it doesn’t work.

Can you share your experience on how you made it work?

