Any Experiences with stability of Boron LTE?

Does anyone know of any issues that would exclude Boron LTE from being considered as the uC and communications backbone of remote M2M equipment.

Personally, I have have mostly good results with continued cloud connectivity.
Only had one instance in months of continuous operation that required a re-powering of the devices. But this was in my office environment.

The March 14, 2019 incident is the only major issue that I’ve had with my Boron LTE’s so far… (not counting a few self-inflicted problems).

I’m extremely happy with the Boron’s performance as a Cellular Node.


my boron has been very stable since putting online ~march 2,2019. the only thing i do not like is the battery charge led flickers at various rates during charging. however, my opinion from reading the forums is that it is still a new technology {the CAT M1} and success at this point is somewhat relative to where the device is.

Thank you.
