Boron LTE - Problems with reconnecting to Cloud

Hi, I noticed couple of times that Boron LTE fails to reconnect to Cloud.
When connection drops it’s blinking Green for hours and if I hit reset button nothing happens.
I actually have to unplug it from power and reconnect it then it starts to work just fine.
If I had this device running somewhere far away I wouldn’t be able to control it. I noticed that problem on multiple Borons.

Is there any watchdog or something similar to it that will cause the device to reset completely?
I noticed that System.reset(); doesn’t fully reset the hardware like I would expect.

There has to be some glitch in the hardware that reset only at full power off.

Thank you.

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I’ve got similar issues with 3G but most recent device OS (2.0.0-rc.4) seems to tackle most of it.
Which version are you using?

I was using version 1.5.4-rc.2 but last night I switched to 2.0.0-rc.4
I hope it works from now on :sunglasses:

Please share results because my experience is this is even worse in the newer versions.

So far I don’t see any issues, it’s too early to say anything after switching the firmware, I will keep monitoring

Hey Scruff, I have seen a lot of my 3g borons going offline in the last day or so and currently waiting for them to come back online. Running 1.5.2 at the moment on these devices.

When did you make the update to 2.0.0-rc4?

Not sure what you mean. I usually adopt RC versions for testing as soon they come out but I'm not running mission critical devices and I'm not a Particle employee either just a hyperactive community member :blush:

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ah ok cool. I was just interested if you had been using 2.0.0-rc4 for long, as you said it seems to have improved reconnection issues. You might as well be an honorary employee at this stage.
Brand Ambassador @ScruffR :smiley: I know you have helped me out a lot anyway for sure.


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