Adding new Devices (Boron) over a Web Interface/API

Hey, I'm working on a project where I anticipate adding new Borons. At this point, this is a project for me and my friends and I'd like to consolidate the Borons onto one account (mine) so I can procedurally pass them all updates. I used Inductive Automation's Ignition platform to make a little backend and web server to talk to the Particle API and display what's going on.

I want to abstract the device setup and claim their devices under my account. What are my options of getting my friends' Borons into my product group so I can access and write to them? I'd love to be able to configure them using the API, but couldn't find the documentation for that (everything is mostly for the photon or similar. I might be able to script some system level code on Ignition too wherein I could use the CLI. As of now, that's my most promising choice, but I thought I'd see if anyone is doing something like this.

It's hard to say for sure, but that sounds like what you would use a product for.

A product groups together devices of the same type using the same firmware. A product has an owner and optionally team members that have the ability to flash code to remote devices.

Other advantages include:

  • You don't have to claim devices to any account; you just add the Device ID in the console. The device doesn't have to be online for this.
  • You can flash code to a device that's currently offline and it will get the update when it comes online.

There's no charge for products, but you are still limited the number of devices and data operations as if the devices were claimed to your account.

@sengsberg Hey, that above is a nice feature from a product, you can add your friends to the product with different levels of access, so they can all see their devices, the events, get variables or call functions, without you needing to share your credentials with them.
