Adding library into Workbench

Hi there,

I’m trying to get Workbench up and running, and am having trouble with importing a library.

I made a folder to hold my project, and created a new project in the new folder.
I now want to add a library: JsonParserGeneratorRK

I made a new folder: lib, on the same level as my src folder, and put a folder for the individual library in it called JsonParserGeneratorRK.

inside that I added the files: JsonParserGeneratorRK.h and JsonParserGeneratorRK.cpp

When I try to import the library, I get the error: The access token provided has expired.

How do I get a new access token?

OK, got it!

I had not logged in, so the Access tokens were not being used.

And… I was making it much harder on myself than it needed to be.

Once I was logged in, the install library command with the correct library name took care of everything without adding in the folders and files for the library manually

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glad you found your way. sorry for the bumps :+1:

fwiw, i have a work item to improve error handling / reporting in those scenarios (cli-driven commands like login / logout, cloud flash, etc). for now, keep an eye out for notifications (the bell icon in vscode’s status bar bottom-right) and when in doubt click “view log”.

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