Adding Argon to console products

I’m trying to set our Argon based product through the console product creation menu. Argon is conspicuously absent from my product type choices, hence I can’t make a product. Is there a work around for this or an estimated time when this feature will be available?

Hey @JJ_Fenstermaker — Jeff here from Particle. We’re working on getting Product creation for generation 3 devices (Argon, Boron) now. Stay tuned — should be available shortly :slight_smile:

@JJ_Fenstermaker — the ability to create Products using the Argon and the Boron is now available in the Console! Enjoy :slight_smile:

That solution worked for us

also getting the error message and Boron wont add to my current product.

Do I need to create a new product for Boron exclusively?

Do I need to create a new product for Boron exclusively?

Yes, every product can only contain one type of device at this time.

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