Hi Particles,
Has anyone – or does anyone know of an adaptor board for the Electron to map out its I/O pinout to the new M-SoM cell devices (e.g. M524)?
There is none currently available, and there are a couple of issues that will cause problems:
The M.2 SoM is wider than the Electron, so it will have to overhang.
The M.2 SoM does not include the USB connector, RGB LED, buttons, battery connector, and power circuitry that is on the Electron. It may be difficult to fit the space that's not occupied by the SoM itself. You cannot mount components under the SoM because of clearance, though it is possible to mount things on the underside of the Electron.
Thanks Rick,
Appreciate the response. My aim is to replace a couple of electrons in the field that have been operating on custom pcbs that supply power and only have a few I/O pins operating - I thought someone might have mapped the IO pins and GND and VIN.
Hi, would a Boron be an option?
I checked the compatible cell network availability and I don't think Boron is supported in Australia. Should have made that clear in my initial post.
I would design for the Boron, which is not pin compatible, but would be much easier to adapt. The classic adapter is still available and works for many applications. The Boron LTE (BRN404X) with Device OS 6.2.0 or later works in Australia, but is not certified yet. There will be a fully supported solution in 2025.
Thanks Rick. I think, long term, the M 524 is probably a better module for my requirements and I've ordered a couple for testing. I have a question about a non-particle breakout board from Mikroe, which I'll post on a separate thread.