There’s an Adafruit_ILI9341 library that apparently works for the 2.2 TFT (ILI9340) and for use on Particle boards.
Compiling gives this error though:
> lib/Adafruit_ILI9341/src/Adafruit_ILI9341.h:21:46: fatal error: ../Adafruit_mfGFX/Adafruit_mfGFX.h: No such file or directory
> #include "../Adafruit_mfGFX/Adafruit_mfGFX.h"
Does anyone know who can fix the libraries? I have found that some of the dependent libraries don’t link properly since Particle updated their web IDE.
The library doesn’t seem to be updated to libs 2.0 yet, and as such will need a little tweak. As the error so kindly pointed out, it can’t locate a dependency. In the .h file, change the following and give it another shot:
// Hack to get this to work in Spark IDE
//#include "../Adafruit_mfGFX/Adafruit_mfGFX.h" // comment this out
#include "Adafruit_mfGFX.h" //uncomment this
You’ll need to copy&paste the two files manually though.
That would be your library, the mfGFX one. This one, the ILI9341, depends on yours, yet still uses the 'old' format, and is thus having issues with the includes.
@ScruffR, I’ll request ownership and update the library to 2.0. Adafruit has an update library that uses SPI transactions which our firmware now supports as well. I’ll adapt to use mfGFX.
@csnbailey, I should have the update library by tonight. I was waiting on the SdFat library so I could keep the SD bmp to display example. I’ll ping you when it’s done.
@csnbailey, I published the Adafruit_ILI9341 library! Unfortunately, the SdFat library was not playing nice with the SD image to TFT example so I had to remove it for now.
Is there any way to use the old libs? Can’t compile anymore and my robots’ code has the Adafruit_ILI9341 library together with the SDFat one. I really need the sdcard functionality with the tft screen, it worked great before the migration…