Dear all,
I download the adafruit library for BME280 to my computer. These files are named Adafruit_BME280.cpp, Adafruit_BME280.h, Adafruit_Sensor.h, and bme280test.ino. The wiring is based on SPI (SDI to D0 and SKC to D1). I compile these files via Atom without any errors. Then, I upload code over cloud to Electron. The LED indicator shows Electron is under safe mode.
Do I miss anything here?
Thanks all.
Particle Dev (Atom IDE) always builds against the currently released version of the system firmware, currently 0.5.1. If you don’t have that version installed on your Electron, it will go into safe mode (blinking magenta).
(This isn’t an issue with the Photon, which will automatically upgrade your Photon to 0.5.1, but that is not done for the Electron because of data charges.)
You can solve this by either upgrading your Electron or using the Particle CLI compiler or Particle Build (Web IDE) which allow you to choose the system firmware version to build for.
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@changks, just to be clear, using SDI (D0) and SCK (D1) is not SPI but instead I2C
Thanks for the correction. It is based on I2C.
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