I’m trying to use the Adafruit BME280 sensor with my photon. I’ve been using the Adafruit_BME280 particle library, and in that I’ve been using the example code. Every time I’ve tried to run it, I get the “Could not find a valid BME280 sensor, check wiring!” message. This has happened when I’ve tried both the I2C and SPI options. I’ve tried the SPARKFUNBME280 library as well(didn’t expect anything from that) and got 0.00 for all the readings.
I have looked over my SPI and I2C wiring a million times and I know the pins are correct in both cases. I’ve connected the VIN to the 3v3 pin and the VIN particle pins to no avail. It is grounded, as well.
When changing the configuration of wires to take a clean picture, I ran the test code as a hail mary and it just started working. I’m not sure what I changed, or if it was faulty wires. Thank you to everybody who helped!!!