Hi There, Sports Fans,
I just finished porting Arthur Liberman’s fast SH1106 library (original thread at arduino.cc).
This library supports low-cost 128x64 OLED displays using SPI with the SH1106 controller chip.
Hi There, Sports Fans,
I just finished porting Arthur Liberman’s fast SH1106 library (original thread at arduino.cc).
This library supports low-cost 128x64 OLED displays using SPI with the SH1106 controller chip.
Would you like to have the files hosted in github instead?
Done. I’ve fixed the original message to point to the GitHub repository.
Can this also work with I2C?
Anyone know if this will work with a Photon? I have one on order and so will find out but am curious whether anyone has direct experience.
Thank you!