3rd Party SIM Confusion

I have an application that I wrote using the initial Particle SIM card which works well.

We plan you use an AT&T SIM card for ongoing network connectivity. I have followed the setup.particle.io procedure entering the SIM ID and APN, then downloading the firmware.bin file and uploading it the Electron board as described.

The Electron goes through its initial LED colors and eventually goes to the breathing cyan color…Good.

But now my application no longer seems to work! Do I need to re-flash my user code after I execute the new firmware.bin upload?? Am I missing something else??


I believe you need to do so.

You need to set the APN in every program you run on an Electron with a 3rd-party SIM. It’s not saved in configuration flash like Wi-Fi credentials. You’ll also need to set the keep-alive value for AT&T, I think to 30 seconds. Maybe 60, but I think 30.


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So I need:

STARTUP(cellular_credentials_set(“APN”, “”, “”, NULL));

Then in the:

void setup()


That’s all I need?

Yes, that should be it.

OK, I’ll give that a try…

I’ll also check with AT&T on the Keep-Alive as to minimize bandwidth and usage…
