123d.circuits.io alernatives for sketching breadboard layouts


I had a play with 123d.circuits.io to create a diagram of my breadboard layout. 123d.circuits.io is an entirely cloud based application. It’s quite good, but by default does not have the Spark Core in its library of components and more importantly I found it to be quite bugging, which resulted in a loss of time.

Does anyone have any alternatives?

Many thanks,

Sure do! Take a look at Upverter! I’ve created a Spark Core footprint and component that’s ready to use in the Upverter Parts Library. I’ve also created a :spark: sized shield around the part for designing ultra small add-ons!

Here’s the shield template: https://community.spark.io/t/spark-core-shield-template-now-available-on-upverter/3149

But you can also create a blank design and search for “Spark Core” when you go to add a component/part. :smiley:


Thanks for this, Timb.