Affects: P1 1.1.0
(i’ll test a photon shortly)
It appears this version introduces some bugs with WiFi SSID names.
- “32TC” will NOT work. “test32TC” will work
- “test 32TC” (note space) will NOT work.
We rolled out a firmware update this week. Some folk were on 0.6.3 (yes, old, but don’t change what isn’t broken) and some were on 1.0.1. Even folk moving from 1.0.1 have reported the new issues. It’s something I honestly just didn’t think needed testing.
You can easily replicate it:
## Reset wifi creds via button. Set your guest network SSID to 32TC
Marks-2017MBP:sdbserverprocessing markterrill$ particle serial wifi
? Should I scan for nearby Wi-Fi networks? Yes
? Select the Wi-Fi network with which you wish to connect your device: [rescan networks]
? Select the Wi-Fi network with which you wish to connect your device: 32TC
? Should I try to auto-detect the wireless security type? No
[this is where it just hangs]
## Reset wifi creds via button. Set your guest network SSID to test32TC
Marks-2017MBP:sdbserverprocessing markterrill$ particle serial wifi
? Should I scan for nearby Wi-Fi networks? Yes
? Select the Wi-Fi network with which you wish to connect your device: test32TC
? Should I try to auto-detect the wireless security type? Yes
> Detected WPA2(PSK/AES/AES) security
? Wi-Fi Password smartfireWIFI
Done! Your device should now restart.
## Reset wifi creds via button. Set your guest network SSID to "test 32TC" to test spaces
? Should I scan for nearby Wi-Fi networks? Yes
? Select the Wi-Fi network with which you wish to connect your device: [rescan networks]
? Select the Wi-Fi network with which you wish to connect your device: test32 TC
? Should I try to auto-detect the wireless security type? Yes
> Detected WPA2(PSK/AES/AES) security
[hangs again]
We send wifi creds over a third party bluetooth chip, so we don’t scan from the device itself, we set it via WiFi.setCredentials. So on customer devices the issue manifests itself with green blinking, rapid green blinking, green blinking, rapid green blinking and then our connect timeout of 1 minute kicking in and going to dark blue blinking / setup mode. For the last 2 days I’ve just been asking folk what their network name was, the first reported issue was an old customer who had spaces in his wifi network name. Second one was 32TC, presumably the chip not liking a variable/string starting with a number.