I’ve got my first, extremely simple, app that I pushed to a new Xenon. It’s running, but it’s throwing a “panic, hard_fault” on almost all of the Timer events.
int led1 = D0;
int led2 = D7;
// a simple loop counter ...
unsigned long counter;
// monitor the battery ... found here: https://github.com/kennethlimcp/particle-examples/blob/master/vbatt-argon-boron/vbatt-argon-boron.ino
// official docs: https://docs.particle.io/reference/device-os/firmware#battery-voltage
double voltage;
Timer timer(60000, publishData);
void setup() {
pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(BATT, INPUT);
Particle.variable("counter", counter);
Particle.variable("battery", voltage);
// publish the data right away ...
// start the timer ...
void loop() {
// turn on the LEDs with some delay ...
digitalWrite(led1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);
// turn them off with some delay ...
digitalWrite(led1, LOW);
digitalWrite(led2, LOW);
void publishData()
voltage = analogRead(BATT) * 0.0011224;
String guid = System.deviceID();
String payload = String::format("{\"guid\":\"%s\",\"counter\":%lu,\"battery\":%4.3f}", guid.c_str(), counter, voltage);
Particle.publish("sensorHeartbeat", payload, PRIVATE);
The app runs, and seems to work. It publishes just fine, but it seems on the Timer event, it is throwing the panic.
From the event log:
| sensorHeartbeat | {"guid":"e00fce68519e59efdc5fe36d","counter":1,"battery":4.078} | Xenon-mey | 9/17/19 at 10:03:00 pm |
| spark/device/diagnostics/update | {"device":{"system":{"uptime":7,"memory":{"total":161364,"used":72668}},"cloud":{"connection":{"status":1,"error":0,"attempts":1,"disconnect":0},"disconnects":0,"publish":{"rate_limited":0},"coap":{"unack":0}}},"service":{"device":{"status":"ok"},"coap":{"round_trip":140},"cloud":{"uptime":5,"publish":{"sent":2}}}} | Xenon-mey | 9/17/19 at 10:02:59 pm |
| particle/device/updates/forced | false | Xenon-mey | 9/17/19 at 10:02:54 pm |
| particle/device/updates/enabled | true | Xenon-mey | 9/17/19 at 10:02:54 pm |
| spark/device/last_reset | panic, hard_fault | Xenon-mey | 9/17/19 at 10:02:54 pm |
| sensorHeartbeat | {"guid":"e00fce68519e59efdc5fe36d","counter":1,"battery":4.083} | Xenon-mey | 9/17/19 at 10:01:42 pm |
| spark/device/diagnostics/update | {"device":{"system":{"uptime":1,"memory":{"total":161364,"used":72476}},"cloud":{"connection":{"status":1,"error":0,"attempts":1,"disconnect":0},"disconnects":0,"publish":{"rate_limited":0},"coap":{"unack":0}}},"service":{"device":{"status":"ok"},"coap":{"round_trip":257},"cloud":{"uptime":0,"publish":{"sent":2}}}} | Xenon-mey | 9/17/19 at 10:01:42 pm |
| particle/device/updates/forced | false | Xenon-mey | 9/17/19 at 10:01:41 pm |
| particle/device/updates/enabled | true | Xenon-mey | 9/17/19 at 10:01:41 pm |
| spark/device/last_reset | panic, hard_fault | Xenon-mey | 9/17/19 at 10:01:41 pm |
I’m not clear on what I’ve done incorrectly here?
UPDATE: It will sometimes go for 3-5 minutes publishing ok WITHOUT doing the panic … and then it starts doing it again.