This is my first request for help in this community, i’m hopping i’m on the right place.
It’s quite related to this topic explaining how to use the DfPlayer-Mini (mp3 player) with the Photon board.
I need to use it with a Xenon. I know, board not supported anymore, but i have plenty of them and i need bluetooth. I’m using it off the cloud anyways.
It basically works fine, i used the VUSB pin to power the player and power it from a wall outlet to be sure to have enough power.
My problem is that the mp3 board’s Init() does not completes until i unplug the VUSB pin and re plug it.
In other words :
execute_CMD(0x3F, 0, 0); // Send request for initialization parameters
while (Serial1.available()<10) // Wait until initialization parameters are received (10 bytes)
Serial.println("Init Done");
After i plug the board, It stays stuck in the while() loop until i unplug the power of the mp3 player and replug it.
I have not a single clue on why, and i have a very low knowledge about particle boards, so i’m turning to you, grand masters of the community, to seek for some help.
Thank you for reading me, hoping to read you