I was trying to debug an issue I was having with the BME680 (just stopped giving data one day) I just tried to directly do Wire.begin()
and Wire.requestFrom(0x76, 6)
without using the lib from Adafruit.
However this seems to have broken the electron as it’s not even panicking like it usually does and has gone completly silent.
I have a minor issue with the Electron being located on the other side of the world so not really possible for me to do anything manual.
At this stage I will have to rebuild a new device and send it out to my friend, but this is just more of a warning to anyone using Wire, it seems to be a bit buggy on 0.7.0.
The only piece of code I added at setup()
Wire.requestFrom(0x76, 6);
Particle.publish("tbf/debug/i2c", String(Wire.available()), PRIVATE);
I was simply trying to see if I got any response from the I2C bus at all.