Why are customers created through the API not listed in the console.particle.io

Well that's probably exactly my issue as you can see in my 5th step the oAuth credentials I'm using were the "create_customer" type.
Changing to full permissions scope got a user token returned to me which is what I've been needing...

Can I give you a big "THANK YOU!" for that nugget of wisdom. VERY useful!

As a side note, what is the "create_customer" scope for, if it is not, in fact, for creating customers?

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Whew, that’s a relief! Glad it’s finally working.

The create customers oAuth token is used when you’re creating customer claim codes for simple auth from browser-based Javascript code. Since it’s difficult to protect the secret when doing this, this grant type has limited privileges.

Ahhh… ok. Thanks for that info.

And once again, thanks for your help!