Hi, I am learning to send data from Photon to AWS using webhook. Currently the connection is good, but it will show me “{“data”:“Rate limit exceeded, please wait and try again”,“ttl”:“60”,“published_at”:“2016-04-16T18:48:00.923Z”,“coreid”:“particle-internal”,“name”:“hook-error/test/0”}” if the delay for each publish loop is less than 6 seconds. 6 seconds for a single insertion to the AWS DB is too long for me. Also I see some other examples doing a webhook request per 0.1 second.
Is this webhook rate (1 request/ 6 seconds) normal? How can I improve this?
I’d also suspect a possible issue in the project code there in this section
//The button's have been triggered! Record this!
if ((b.buttonOn(2) and b.buttonOn(4)) or (b.buttonOn(1) and b.buttonOn(3))) {
b.ledOn(3, 0, 255, 0); // Green
b.ledOn(9, 0, 255, 0); // Green
Particle.publish("sendSleep", "True", 60, PRIVATE);
If you keep the buttons pressed long enough the creator will also run into the rate limit, since the average publishing rate will be 1.667 per second.
A user by default may trigger a webook up to 10 times per minute for every device that is registered to their account.
Does that mean each device has a limit of 10 times per minute?
ex. 10 devices can each trigger a webhook 10 times per minute = 100 triggers per minute
Or, does that mean each user has a limit of 10 times per minute for every device?
ex. 10 devices registered, but 1 device triggers a webhook 100 times per minute = 100 triggers per minute