I tried to work the beginner webhook example (link below) using an electron
I get an error
hook-error/temp/o: error status 400 from api.thingspeak.com
{"data":"error status 400 from api.thingspeak.com","ttl":60,"published_at":"2017-06-10T23:45:04.543Z","coreid":"particle-internal","name":"hook-error/temp/0"}
I have been over the example many times but cant seem to find my mistake.
Just using the test code
int led = D7; // The on-board LED
void setup() {
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // Turn ON the LED
String temp = String(random(60, 80));
Particle.publish("temp", temp, PRIVATE);
delay(30000); // Wait for 30 seconds
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // Turn OFF the LED
delay(30000); // Wait for 30 seconds
I configure my webhook and thingspeak identical to example.