VL53L0X Time-of-Flight Ranging Sensor

Dealing with this same situation with my class. I have a ton of sensors and a ton of students. I am trying to simplifying how to setup a sensor, the .ino .h .cpp files. Digital and Analog sensors are fairly easy but I2C, uArt and SPI take a bit of coordination of several files.

Here is a list of my RobotShop sensors and I probably have the same number from Seeedstudio

I am thinking of making a database on my website (http://rocksetta.com ) that anyone could upload sensor info and links or using a github site such as: https://github.com/hpssjellis/robotics-sensors that my students can push solutions for the sensors they are working on. Either setup would probably just have a bunch of links to @peekay123 github site at https://github.com/pkourany

I find the student’s need a sheet of paper stored with each sensor with this minimum amount of information:

  1. Title with sensors full name
  2. Image of sensor
  3. Link to more information about hooking up example.ino files, header files, etc
  4. QRCode to the link
  5. Summary info about how to hook the Sensor up to the Photon

The following fits in a sandwich bag with the sensor.

The example link in the image is https://github.com/hpssjellis/robotics-sensors/tree/master/sensors/serial/pixy

Anyone got any other ideas?