v0.2.3 Firmware RAM Optimizations Shipped!

@Dave I ran back to my check my code. Apologies for wasting your time on that one. :angel:

no worries, happy to help! :slight_smile:

I’ve had a doubt for a while now and I’m posting here since I don’t want to create a new topic. I’m building my firmware locally. It is August 5th today, which branch of the core-firmware do I use to have RAM optimization and other improvements that have happened over the last month? master, compile-server2 or ram-optimization or anything else?

The master should normally have the latest/greatest. It’s the same as what’s being used for the web IDE, although the IDE sometimes lags a couple of upgrades behind, that haven’t been pushed through yet due to testing or something.

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Got it, master it is. Thanks for the reply @Moors7


compile-server2 is the branch used by the Web IDE.

Master branch is the one with new features tested and merged, waiting to be pushed for the next update.

You might want to take note of that. :wink: