I am trying to create/adapt my own LogHandler to log to an SD card using the SdFat library. I have taken inspiration from the Papertrial LogHandler, as C++ is not my first language…
A few issues/questions have come up, and I was hoping for some guidance/thoughts/ideas.
Inheritance questions for inputs
Assume I’ve created a new class which starts out something like this:
class SdLogHandler : public LogHandler {
String m_system;
public SdLogHandler(String system = System.deviceID(), LogLevel level = LOG_LEVEL_INFO, const LogCategoryFilters &filters = {});
virtual ~SdLogHandler();
When I try to use the same inputs as used in the SerialLogHandler example (with loglevels and filters), I get the error: “no matching function for call to ‘SdLogHandler::SdLogHandler(LogLevel)’”. Why is this the case?
Alternatives to Global Variables
To enable the use of the SdFat library for SD use across multiple files, I set the instance of SdFat as a global variable. Is there a better way to do this? Is it possible to create multiple instances of SdFat for use on 1 SD Card? I plan to use the same SD card for logging data and info/bugs…
Any recommendations are greatly appreciated. I can also update with more code if helpful.