User Firmware OTA update without Spark Cloud over WiFi


I want to use the Core without the Spark Cloud and I will have only the local network.
At the moment I flash my own compiled firmware via dfu mode.

Is there a way to push the new firmware over WiFi without USB and dfu mode?
Spark CLI needs the spark cloud but because if the size of the firmware I need to compile with spark cloud functionality.

If you need any form of OTA, you will need a :cloud:.

So the short answer is to install the spark-server on your local network if you want to use the :spark: OTA feature :wink:

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Hmm, that would be nice feature to have then.
With the Photon I don’t have the firmware size constrain, but I still use the Core and even without the Cloud features I’m on 95Kb in size already. Some more features in the application still to come, e.g. LCD display with touch support.

Thanks for your quick response.

What “nice feature” are you exactly referring to?

At the moment the Firmware provides system_firmwareUpdate that works with serial connection and Ymodem.

The feature I would like to see is that I have a TCPClient where system_firmwareUpdate reads the data from and updates the firmware once checked and completed. Like it does it when I do it via the cloud.

I maybe look into the way the cloud is receiving and updating the firmware. Is Probably usable with some changes.

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It’s certainly possible to use a TCPClient if you wanted to code that solution yourself - the ymodem support isn’t specifically tied to Serial but any Stream implementation.

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Did you made any progress with the TCPClient OTA updater? I’m very interested to program one on my own with my current server