Ultrasonic range finder simple code

Robotshop ultrasonic range finder

Could not find some really simple range finding code, so I wrote this. I know that you can calculate the distances but I always like to see what I actually read.

D7 lights when the object is far away, The other LED lights when the object is closer to the sensor.

//using Ultrasonic Range Finder from Robotshop

unsigned long duration;

void setup()

    pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);   // LED on D7
    pinMode(D1, OUTPUT);   // Other LED connected from D1 through resistor to ground
                           // ultrasonic range finder Robotshop RB-lte-54
                           // GND pin goes to ground
    pinMode(D6, INPUT);    // echo
    pinMode(D2, OUTPUT);   // Trig
                           // VCC pin goes to VIN on the photon

void loop(){
        delay(10);                      // even cicuits need a break
        digitalWrite(D2, HIGH);         // activate trigger
        digitalWrite(D2, LOW);          // de-activate trigger

        duration = pulseIn(D6, HIGH);   // how long until a reply?
                                        // a blocking call so may wait a few seconds
        if (duration > 2000    ){        // raw data from 200 to 16000                                         
                                        // where  2000 raw = ~35cm,  4000 raw = ~80cm
            digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);     // D7 Blue LED on if far
            digitalWrite(D1, LOW);      // Other LED off
        } else {
            digitalWrite(D7, LOW);      // D7 Blue LED off
            digitalWrite(D1, HIGH);     // Other LED on if Close



That might be interesting to try with an interrupt. Not to steal your thunder, just sharing thoughts.

unsigned long duration;
unsigned long startMicros;
long last;
bool checking;

void setup()
    pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);   // LED on D7
    pinMode(D1, OUTPUT);   // Other LED connected from D1 through resistor to ground

                       // ultrasonic range finder Robotshop RB-lte-54
                       // GND pin goes to ground
    pinMode(D6, INPUT);    // echo
    pinMode(D2, OUTPUT);   // Trig
                       // VCC pin goes to VIN on the photon

    attachInterrupt(D6, rangeISR, FALLING); // interrupt on falling edge

void loop(){

    if ( checking == false && millis() - last > 1000 ){  // once per second if not doing anything
        checking = true; // set a flag so it doesn't get confused
        duration = 0;
        last = millis();  // get time now for timer
        digitalWrite(D2, HIGH);         // activate trigger
        digitalWrite(D2, LOW);          // de-activate trigger
        startMicros = micros();  // get time now for start
    if ( duration ) // it's been set by ISR
        if ( duration > 2000 ){        // raw data from 200 to 16000                                         
                                    // where  2000 raw = ~35cm,  4000 raw = ~80cm
            digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);     // D7 Blue LED on if far
            digitalWrite(D1, LOW);      // Other LED off
        } else {
            digitalWrite(D7, LOW);      // D7 Blue LED off
            digitalWrite(D1, HIGH);     // Other LED on if Close
        checking = false;            // reset the flag to signal a start
        duration = 0;                   // reset this as well
        delay(10);                      // even circuits need a break

void rangeISR()
    duration = micros() - startMicros;  // sets duration to current time - start time

@Hypnopompia had a project with a sensor like this
Distance sensor for an adjustable height desk?

Yeah, so here’s the code for my ping sensor project.

I’ve even got some sensor reading smoothing in there since this sensor is a bit temperamental. The functions you should check out are avgReading(), readPingSensor(), ping(), microsecondsToInches() and microsecondsToCentimeteres()

This code started out from @BDub’s work from this thread: Simple Photon Ping Sensor (HC-SR04)