Hi there,
Maybe this is a stupid question, but I can’t get the BLE APIs to work at all, following the guides on the website and also using the documentation. This is an example of the guides I’ve been using. Stripping out all the code for the TFT display (and with it) I get errors saying “‘BleScanResult’ does not name a type” or “‘BleAdvertisingData’ was not declared in this scope”.
It feels like there is a required BLE library that I am not including, but I can’t see that mentioned anywhere.
I’ve tried upgrading the device firmware to the 1.3.0rc version. This is an example of the code I’m using.
I will make an idiots guide to using BLE once I have this working!
#include "Particle.h"
const size_t SCAN_RESULT_MAX = 30;
BleScanResult scanResults[SCAN_RESULT_MAX];
float lastVoltage = 0.0;
void setup()
void loop() {