Trying to lower power consumption by using bluz to turn photon on/off

Continuing the discussion from Photon with BLE:

Will the bluz chip be able to control the operation of the photon (ie the M3 chip)? The RF51822 uses about 6uA in sleep mode. The photon looks at least 1 order of magnitude higher. I'd love to be able to power down the M3 when not needing to use it, waking it up from a pin on the bluz.

Err… I see that there is a discussion on this at in response to a question I asked on kickstarter.

Yes, there is a thread on the bluz forums about this, here is the link in case someone stumbles across this in the future:

The short answer is yes, it certainly is possible. It is going to take a little extra designing in the firmware, but I don’t think it is a big deal to add it.

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