I am working with an ILI9341 based Touch Screen display, and I have the display part working very nicely. But I can’t find a Photon compatible driver for the resistive touch screen component.
The touch screen is completely independent from the display part, and both are SPI driven.
I am using Hardware SPI for the display.
The resistive touch controller seems quite common and the XPT2046 can replace ADS7843E TSC2046 ADS7843 ADS7846 RSM1.
@muneebr1, if a 2.6" touch screen works, take a look at Digole displays. They work over UART, I2C or SPI. They have an onboard PIC controller making them “intelligent” and they have online tools for converting bitmaps, and they have a display emulator for designing screens. I used one of these displays for a quick proof of concept for a client. Another approach I haven’t tried but would like to are FT8xx based displays. These are sophisticated display-list driven graphic processors. A good example is the Gameduino 3 or the Riverdi display units.