Teaching High School Robotics with the Spark Photon


Just updating this forum with some of the things I have been working on. Found a way to use the Photon with Phonegap using cloud9 online free ubuntu service. Have been working on getting the Wifi Credentials for the Photon setup without a user having to login to the particle.io build site.

Also I have updated my Github site for teaching the Photon in the classroom. My new webpage is called ajaxBetter.html and it is very easy for students to work with

a running version of that page is at


which anyone can use since it uses local storage to safe the Photon's ID and token

I am working on improving the .ino file at

as students are getting close to wanting more control of serial devices. Amazing that students in the robotics class without any webpage design are having no problem editing the webpage since the command to control the photon is so easy.

    <input type="button" value="d7-send-1" onClick="{
    <input type="button" value="d7-send-0" onClick="{

<input type="button" value="a1-read" onClick="{

<input type="button" value="a4-send-0" onClick="{

<input type="button" value="a4-send-255" onClick="{

With those five website buttons, students clue in instantly how to control all analog and digital pins on the photon.

I will try to make a change in the code to allow some of the alternate ways to control the pins (Allow D0 to analog write etc) but for now the simplicity of the webpage is perfect for my needs.