So I am attempting to implement a synchronous detection algorithm on the Photon. This involves pushing samples to the DAC as fast as possible while also sampling with the ADC and performing some simple computation. I am currently attempting to do this by creating some lookup tables and iterating through them in the ‘loop()’ section of my code. However, in the process of designing this I have found that writing to the DAC is by far the limiting factor in the speed of the algorithm. (I can only achieve ~500 samples/second with all of the other functions/calculations removed from the code)
#include <math.h>
// declare constants
const double pi = 3.1416;
const int16_t divisions = 10;
const int16_t resolution = 256-1;
const double frequency = 100;
// declare arrays
float demodulatedSamples[divisions] = {0};
float cosTable[divisions];
int16_t dacTable[divisions];
int16_t samples[divisions] = {0};
//declare increments;
int16_t i = 0;
//declare temporary storage
double val = 0;
double calc = 0;
int16_t sample = 0;
void setup() {
analogWriteResolution(DAC1, 8);
//Define lookup tables
for (int x = 0; x < divisions; x++) {
val = 2*pi*x/(divisions-1);
cosTable[x] = (2/divisions)*cos(frequency*val);
calc = resolution*(0.5*cos(val)+0.5);
dacTable[x] = floor(calc);
void loop() {
if (i >= divisions) i = 0;
analogWrite(DAC1, dacTable[i]);
sample = analogRead(A0);
calc = cosTable[i]*(sample - samples[i])/resolution;
if (i > 0) {
demodulatedSamples[i] = calc + demodulatedSamples[i-1];
} else {
demodulatedSamples[i] = calc + demodulatedSamples[divisions-1];
samples[i] = sample;
I assume that the slow speeds associated with writing to the DAC is associated with how the RTOS handles the data transfer. I have been looking into implementing a fix with DMA (like in the particle-speaker library). However, to make this work I would need to have an interrupt that triggers every time a sample is transferred to the DAC so that the rest of my code can be executed. But, to be perfectly honest, I have almost no idea how to implement this.
If you guys have any suggestions as to how I could incorporate the interrupt into my code with the particle-speaker library, or maybe I’m looking at the problem from the wrong perspective, any help is appreciated.