Somduino - A Reference Design for Particle SoMs

I've put together a sample design for a mostly assembled PCB from a manufacturing service like JLCPCB. This will hopefully help you to get started developing a SoM based custom PCB.

The Somduino is an Arduino Uno form factor breakout board intended to work with either BSoM or MSoM Particle products.

The design is generally functional, but has not been tested in all edge cases, use at your own risk.


Hey Eric, this is fantastic!
How much did it cost to get produced/assembled?
Thank you.

Hey @gusgonnet,
I was able to get 5 boards assembled for ~$55 (minus the threaded standoff and Particle Power Module)

You can include the assembly of the threaded standoff for an additional $25 (I think because it requires hand assembly), so I opted to purchase and solder this myself.

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@ericpietrowicz, it may be worth pointing out that the (amazing) Somduino is only compatible with 3.3v shields as there are no level shifters to handle 5v logic levels.

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Great point!

Good thoughts for v2 :wink:

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