[Solved] Read analogWrite value from Tinker

Hi Folks,

I saw the post “Read value from Tinker analogWrite pins”, and I am looking for what is probably a simpler version of that discussion.

I simply want to read [0-255] from Tinker and latch onto that value in my Core firmware. I can see that the value is passed once when I update Tinker, but it is momentary, and I am not skilled enough to latch onto that value.

I am using A5, and I simply want to control pwm on A5…but from Tinker. I want the Tinker value to persist until I update the value on Tinker.

Please help this hardware guy!

My code:

int led = D0; 
int led2 = D7; 
int xPin = A0;
int yPin = A1;
int zPin = A2;
int tPin = A3;
int tVal = 0;
int xVal = 0;
int yVal = 0;
int zVal = 0;
int iPWM = 0;

int tinkerDigitalRead(String pin);
int tinkerDigitalWrite(String command);
int tinkerAnalogRead(String pin);
int tinkerAnalogWrite(String command);


void setup()
    Spark.function("digitalread", tinkerDigitalRead);
    Spark.function("digitalwrite", tinkerDigitalWrite);
    Spark.function("analogread", tinkerAnalogRead);
    Spark.function("analogwrite", tinkerAnalogWrite);

    pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);


void loop()
    tVal = analogRead(tPin);
    xVal = analogRead(xPin);
    yVal = analogRead(yPin);
    zVal = analogRead(zPin);
    Serial.print(" ");
    Serial.print(" ");
    Serial.print(" ");
    tinkerDigitalWrite("D7" "HIGH");
    tinkerDigitalRead("D6Val" "D6");
    tinkerAnalogRead("xVal" "A0");
    tinkerAnalogWrite("A5" "iPWM");


int tinkerDigitalRead(String pin) {
    int pinNumber = pin.charAt(1) - '0';
    if (pinNumber< 0 || pinNumber >7) return -1;
    if(pin.startsWith("D")) {
        pinMode(pinNumber, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
        return digitalRead(pinNumber);}
    else if (pin.startsWith("A")){
        pinMode(pinNumber+10, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
        return digitalRead(pinNumber+10);}
    return -2;}

int tinkerDigitalWrite(String command){
    bool value = 0;
    int pinNumber = command.charAt(1) - '0';
    if (pinNumber< 0 || pinNumber >7) return -1;
    if(command.substring(3,7) == "HIGH") value = 1;
    else if(command.substring(3,6) == "LOW") value = 0;
    else return -2;
        pinMode(pinNumber, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(pinNumber, value);
        return 1;}
    else if(command.startsWith("A")){
        pinMode(pinNumber+10, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(pinNumber+10, value);
        return 1;}
    else return -3;}

int tinkerAnalogRead(String pin){
    int pinNumber = pin.charAt(1) - '0';
    if (pinNumber< 0 || pinNumber >7) return -1;
        pinMode(pinNumber, INPUT);
        return analogRead(pinNumber);}
    else if (pin.startsWith("A")){
        pinMode(pinNumber+10, INPUT);
        return analogRead(pinNumber+10);}
    return -2;}

int tinkerAnalogWrite(String command){
    int pinNumber = command.charAt(1) - '0';
    if (pinNumber< 0 || pinNumber >7) return -1;
    String value = command.substring(3);
        pinMode(pinNumber, OUTPUT);
        analogWrite(pinNumber, value.toInt());
        return 1;}
    else if(command.startsWith("A")){
        pinMode(pinNumber+10, OUTPUT);
        analogWrite(pinNumber+10, value.toInt());
        return 1;}
    else return -2;}

I’ve edited your post to properly format the code. Please check out this post, so you know how to do this yourself in the future. Thanks in advance! ~Jordy

@IoT_me, what do you mean by this?
If you just slightly change the tinkerAnalogWrite() function to store the "momentary" value into a global variable you can reuse it wherever you want.

like this:

int lastAnalogVal;

int tinkerAnalogWrite(String command)
  int pinNumber = command.charAt(1) - '0';
  if (pinNumber< 0 || pinNumber >7) return -1;
  String value = command.substring(3);
  if(command.startsWith("D")) {
    pinMode(pinNumber, OUTPUT);
    analogWrite(pinNumber, (lastAnalogVal = value.toInt()));
    return 1;
  } else if(command.startsWith("A")) {
    pinMode(pinNumber+10, OUTPUT);
    analogWrite(pinNumber+10, (lastAnalogVal = value.toInt()));
    return 1;
  } else return -2;

Although there'd be more potential to streamline this fn, this way you'd at least get the value you are looking for for further use.

I also wouldn't do this in loop()

void loop()
  tVal = analogRead(tPin);
  xVal = analogRead(xPin);
  yVal = analogRead(yPin);
  zVal = analogRead(zPin);
  tinkerDigitalWrite("D7" "HIGH"); // this should rather be 
                                   // 'tinkerDigitalWrite("D7,HIGH");'
  tinkerDigitalRead("D6Val" "D6"); // this would be 'D6Val = tinkerDigitalRead("D6");'
  tinkerAnalogRead("xVal" "A0");   // this would be 'xVal = tinkerAnalogRead("A0");' 
                                   // or use lastAnalogVal
  tinkerAnalogWrite("A5" "iPWM");  // this is a bit more tricky, since you have 
                                   // to insert the value of iPWM into the string
                                   // there are several ways to do that

since the Tinker App might alter your pinMode settings and the parameters you pass in there don't fit the function signature.

Can you show me how to do that? I’m a dumb hardware guy…

Sure, look previous post, again.
I just started and posted it quickly to signal others that you’re already receiving attention :wink:
Then I started to edit and extend the answer.

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That worked the first time! And, as you suggested, I deleted the function call from the loop. It may be no big deal for you…but it’s a miracle for me. I tried all sorts of things yesterday.

thanks very much!!

If I can help you on electrical or mechanical hardware questions, let me know!


Thanks for the offer :smile:

If you need anything else or want to know why and how all this works - feel free to ask. There are loads of people eager to share their knowledge.