I’m just setting up local cloud on my server and after exchanging keys, I’ve successfully gotten my photon to connect to my local server. I’ve already uploaded a simple app onto the photon where calling a function "justblink"
will pulse pin D7 (connected to the LED) for 100 ms. How do I call justblink using the local cloud?
It seems to me that in order to do this, I will have to ‘claim’ my photon to the local cloud. However, I cannot seem to do this. Running "particle setup"
(after changing config to local cloud) errors out because the page "/v1/device_claims"
is not found on my local cloud instance. I read in another thread that this was intentional and suggested that we use "particle core add <mydeviceid>"
instead. I get "successfully claimed device <mydeviceid>"
, but upon close inspection, this is not the case. This is how I know:
$ curl -d access_token=xxx
"ok": true
$ curl<mydeviceid> -d access_token=xxx
Not Found
So is there anyway I can manually claim the core in order to be able to call my function through my local cloud?