[SOLVED]Firmware compile error

Hi @lemouchon,

It looks like your version of gcc is using C99, and not supporting gcc styling for field designators, here’s the code in question:

//Array to hold user ISR function pointers
static exti_channel exti_channels[] = {
  { .handler = NULL },  // EXTI0
  { .handler = NULL },  // EXTI1
  { .handler = NULL },  // EXTI2
  ... (etc)

I think (someone please correct / check me), you can simply change the code to look like this, since that struct only has one field:

static exti_channel exti_channels[] = {
  { NULL },  // EXTI0
  { NULL },  // EXTI1
  { NULL },  // EXTI2
  ... (etc, repeat for all)

Can you give that a try and try building? I’ll double-check with our firmware team to make sure this is okay.
