@bko; I realize this is an old thread but it seems I have been battling this issue for awhile. My situation is exactly as described; several photons connecting to an Apple router which has both 2.4 and 5GHz enabled. Photons work well but poop out after hours or days, sometimes weeks but eventually WiFi stops working. When it stops, the Photon blinks green and never reconnects.
How should I best battle this problem? Certainly, in my lab I can do whatever I want with routers and change names, disable bands etc. But our (eventual) customer may have this exact situation so I need a permanent solution without asking our customers to get technical.
I am thinking to implement a watchdog timer that eventually resets the photon if it is not restarted in time. That might be good for other scenarios but the general thought to rely on a complete system reset when the WiFi craps out is just not right. Alternatively, I did not see a system call of sorts that is activated when WiFi disconnects, additionally there are no ways to just reset the WiFi unit.
Sooh any ideas?