[SOLVED] analogWrite issue

Wondering if I could get some advice on this issue. I am trying to use the DAC1 Analog output to send a voltage based on a variable I read from Ubidots. I have confirmed that the value is ok from the dashboard, and have made sure to use an int data type. I have tested using a numeral on the analog write command (4095) and it works fine. I only have the issue when I am trying to use a variable value:

void loop() {
    int value1 = analogRead(A0);
    int value2 = analogRead(A1);
    int value3 = analogRead(A2);
    int Analog3 = ubidots.getValue(VAR_ID);
    // analogWrite(A3, 4095); Works fine.
    analogWrite(A3, Analog3);
    ubidots.add("A0", value1);  // Change for your variable name
    ubidots.add("A1", value2);
    ubidots.add("A2", Analog3);

Any help is appreciated.


Q. What version of Particle firmware are you running?

A simple test - add these lines:

static int value4 = 0;
Serial.printlnf("value4=%d", value4);
analogWrite(A3, value4);
value4 = value + 100;

You should see the voltage ramp up every 5 seconds. Is this what you see?

Thanks for the reply.

I am using the 0.6.3 firmware. The sample code you gave me worked. It steps up in brightness. Had to fix the increment line. value4=value4+100;

I then changed the code to the variable I am reading from Ubidots, and update via the Serial.printlnf(“value4=%d”, value4); line you have above, and it works! Any explanation for this?


Glad you spotted the typo re value instead of value4.

Can you provide the code as it is now so that we can analyse “why the difference”?

That’s why I prefer the lazy syntax value4 += 100; :sunglasses:

Here you are, I orignially tried the Serial PrintIn from the Ubibots Documentation, but I got an error with it,

#include "Ubidots.h"

 * Define Constants

#define TOKEN "InsertTokenHere"  // Put here your Ubidots TOKEN
#define VAR_ID1 "VariableIDFromUbidots"

Ubidots ubidots(TOKEN);

 * Auxiliar Functions

//Put here your auxiliar functions

 * Main Functions

void setup() {
    pinMode(A3, OUTPUT);
    //ubidots.setDebug(true); //Uncomment this line for printing debug messages

void loop() {
    int value4 = ubidots.getValue(VAR_ID1);
    //int Analog3Out = Analog3;
    //analogWrite(A3, 4095);
    //static int value4 = 0;
    Serial.printlnf("value4=%d", value4);
    analogWrite(A3, value4);
    //value4 = value4 + 1000;


Stating what the error was would help :wink:

Does the Serial.printlnf() statement render the correct value?

I've just tested and for me things work as expected (running 0.7.0-rc.6)

#include "Ubidots.h"

#define TOKEN "..." // "Put here your Ubidots TOKEN"
#define VAR_ID "..."

Ubidots ubidots(TOKEN);

void setup() {
    pinMode(DAC1, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(DAC2, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
    float value1 = ubidots.getValue(VAR_ID);
    int x = value1 * 4095; // scale up my test variable

    if(value1!=ERROR_VALUE) {
        analogWrite(DAC1, x);
        analogWrite(DAC2, 4095 - x);
    Serial.println(analogRead(A0)); // bridge DAC1 or DAC2 to A0
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I see the difference. I tried to create an int from the ubidots.getValue command, ie int value1=ubidots.getValue(VAR_ID), by you scaling it on the particle side and converting to an int, it insures the proper datatype and the proper value. I will modify my code to do it this way.

The Serial.printlnf does work.

Thanks for the help.

@vtrufus, I did not realise that ubidots.getValue() returns a float… that explains everything. We should have asked the question “What type does ubidots.getValue() return?” right at the start…

So thanks goes to @ScruffR!

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