Since the Cloud update on 3/23/2015 I'm getting intermittent failures communicating with the cloud

My setup is:

  • Spark Core that exposes data to the cloud using Spark.variable.
  • I have a Google spreadsheet that queries the cloud every minute

Nothing in my code changed and since 3/23/2015 the UrlFetchApp.fetch command from google spreadsheets fails many times a day.

  • Did something change that is perhaps considering my queries to be a DOS?
  • Is there a new limit and querying once per minute is bad?

If someone from Spark is listening, can I give you my device ID and you check your logs to see what’s going on?

I've been pondering about moving your question over to this topic, since the last couple of post contain the same issues. Take a look over there, perhaps there's a solution.

I don't think there's a change in rate limiting, and 1 per minute is definitely not too much. If you'd really like someone to check the logs, perhaps @dave could help you out.

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I think @Moors7 is right–the last thing I read over in the other thread made it sounds like a Google problem.

Why not switch over to a webhook now that they are available?

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Heya @mattgundersen,

Sure I can check the logs for ya! :slight_smile:

I know Google can be sensitive about how their apps hit other servers. When your core is offline and they make a request, they can receive a timed out status code, which their servers interpret as a “whoa, slow down” signal.

A while back some people from Google reached out to us and tweaked some controls internally on their end, so it’s possible something reverted there?


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I’m getting soooo many fetches failing it would mean my core is offline A LOT. Meanwhile other internet things in my house work fine. But, maybe it is going offline and if you see that in your logs, that’s valuable info:

Spark id: 53ff78066667574857420967

Also, I work at Google so I’m asking some people I know wazup :smile:


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Heya @mattgundersen,

Thanks for sending your ID, actually yeah your core has some stretches where it’s on / offline very rapidly. It looks like…

from roughly 2am-3am for the past week, your connection has been really unstable and then it’s fine the rest of the day.

I hope that helps!


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