Hi Zach,
The processing code is the one below (which I got from example). It creates a a simple server. This works since I’m able to create a client on another Mac which can communicate with the server.
// Learning Processing
// Daniel Shiffman
// http://www.learningprocessing.com
// Example 19-1: Simple therapy server
// Import the net libraries
import processing.net.*;
// Declare a server
Server server;
// Used to indicate a new message has arrived
float newMessageColor = 255;
PFont f;
String incomingMessage = “”;
void setup() {
// Create the Server on port 5204
server = new Server(this, 5204);
f = createFont(“Arial”,16,true);
void draw() {
// newMessageColor fades to white over time
newMessageColor = constrain(newMessageColor + 0.3,0,255);
// The most recent incoming message is displayed in the window.
// If a client is available, we will find out
// If there is no client, it will be"null"
Client client = server.available();
// We should only proceed if the client is not null
if (client!= null) {
// Receive the message
// The message is read using readString().
incomingMessage = client.readString();
// The trim() function is used to remove the extra line break that comes in with the message.
incomingMessage = incomingMessage.trim();
// Print to Processing message window
println( "Client says:" + incomingMessage);
// Write message back out (note this goes to ALL clients)
server.write( "How does " + incomingMessage + " make you feel?\n" ); // A reply is sent using write().
// Reset newMessageColor to black
newMessageColor = 0;
// The serverEvent function is called whenever a new client connects.
void serverEvent(Server server, Client client) {
incomingMessage = "A new client has connected: " + client.ip();
// Reset newMessageColor to black
newMessageColor = 0;
For creating a client on the Core, I tried to use the code from Stuart (above), which I did not get to work, and also tried the local communication one from your website ( both I used on different ports)
Hope you can help,