RST Reset via PI


I am looking to be able to reset the Electron via the Pi
I have been looking around and if i am understanding correct i could use a GPIO pin to reset the electron?

The Pi gpio pin to a 10k resistor to the rst pin?
set the pin to high to reset?
Would that work?



@ChrisCalzaretta, the Electron RST* pin requires the pin to be driven LOW to reset. As shown below, the RST* line connects to a pull-up resistor, capacitor and RESET button. In order for the Pi to reset the Electron you first need to make sure the Pi and Electron’s ground pins are connected (common ground). Since both the Pi and the Electron have 3.3v GPIO, you can connect the Pi GPIO directly to the Electron’s RST pin. The Pi’s pin should be floating or HIGH by default. To reset the Electron, simply drive the Pi GPIO pin LOW for one millisecond or so and then HIGH again.


Thanks for that info :slight_smile:


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Thanks for the help @peekay123!

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