Having trouble reloading the original Tinker code onto my Core. Per the Tinker documentation, I’ve grabbed the code linked to at this url - https://github.com/spark/core-firmware/blob/master/src/application.cpp.
Pasting that into the editor within the Build application however I’m getting the following error when trying to verify the code:
the_user_app.cpp:26:6: error: previous declaration of 'void setup()' with 'C++' linkage
In file included from ../inc/spark_wiring.h:31:0,
from ../inc/application.h:29,
from the_user_app.cpp:27:
../inc/spark_utilities.h:116:35: error: conflicts with new declaration with 'C' linkage
the_user_app.cpp:27:6: error: previous declaration of 'void loop()' with 'C++' linkage
In file included from ../inc/spark_wiring.h:31:0,
from ../inc/application.h:29,
from the_user_app.cpp:27:
../inc/spark_utilities.h:117:34: error: conflicts with new declaration with 'C' linkage
make: *** [the_user_app.o] Error 1