Just wondering how easy it would be to create feedback from relay board, to confirm Relay’s 1 though 4 are active. Using the Tinker App, i would like to see D4,5,6 and 7 as inputs, from D0,1,2 and 3. That way Tinker could confirm. Is it possible to just connect D0 to D4, D1 to D5, D2 to D6 and D3 to D7, with just jumpers. I dont want to blow up my Brand New Core.
Like you mentioned, adding jumpers would do the trick. I recommend adding resistors 1K - 10K instead of just wired jumpers to limit the current in worst case scenarios.
If you just need confirmation that the Core received the command and turned on the digital output, you can just track the state of the outputs and return a special code that you look for. You can see an example of that in this very similar 4 digital output remote starter control example that drives 4 small relays (you can read more about it on the github page).
Great info from both you guys, and this core is awesome.
Thanks, Mohit and DBub for your responses.Will check out github tomorrow morning.
I’m really impressed with the Core, almost wondering why i would ever buy an Arduino Uno again…