Recommend a long-lasting battery

@syrinxtech Woww. 2 years!! This is surprising!

Now, let’s do some calculations. One Energizer battery is rated 1.5V nominal voltage and 3500 mAh. When fully charged, it gives around 1.7V. Hence, 4 batteries in series should give 6.8V when fully charged. Here is the discharge curve from the official document:


Now, you are saying that it has never come down below 6.6V, it means that (as per the curve) it has only consumed about 2000 mAh of its total capacity of 3500 mAh.

Now, this is only possible if both these 2 conditions are satisfied:

  1. Sleep State current consumption at VIN is NOT 2.4 mA and 130 uA. Does it mean that the consumption on the thread Electron Deep Sleep current when powering from VIN without LiPo is wrong?
  2. You are transmitting data VERY infrequently (say, once a week).

Let me know @syrinxtech. I am actually thrilled about this. If (1) is true, then you must have special settings in your firmware/code which actually brought down the current. And let me know about (2).